Monday, August 26, 2013

The Bite of East County

Give your senses a treat at "The Bite of East County".  The first sense to be affected is the nose, imagining smells from a mixture of fantastic food.  The next sense of taste comes to life when the mouth begins to water and you can just imagine the deliciousness of the fine cuisine.  The ears then begin to hear a far off echo of laughter from happy people and music ringing through the air.

The Bite of East County will not let your senses down.  The BOEC is offering all of these sensory experiences and more.

Vendors will include a variety of Mexican, Asian, American and European dishes, all vying for th"Best Bite of East County".  The beer and wine garden will offer selections of Northwest origin as well. The BOEC is being hosted 
by the Fairview Business Association and Zarephath Kitchen and Pantry will be the beneficiary of this event.  For the past 24 years, 
Zarephath has helped the homeless and low income by offering more than 42,000 meals per year to the hungry.  Prime Sponsorship
of the Bite of East County comes from Harry's Fresh Foods.  Featuring sponsors include First Community Credit Union and Teeny 
Foods.  Community sponsorship from Gresham Ford and promotional partnership with KINK FM.  The Inaugural Bite of East 
County is being held in the Fairview Park on August 10th 2013 from 11am to 7pm.  More information on the Bite of East County
can be found at PS.  Congratulations to Terri Lynn and Al Link and all their furry friends in "The Tails
of Abbygail" for making their debut into national distribution at Wal-Mart.  Please tell all your friends and family nationwide that they 
can now pickup this great kids program anywhere in the United States. 

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