“Reading is the foundation students need for every subject. Whether they aspire to be a mechanic, an actress, or a scientist, it begins with reading,“ according to Hollydale teacher Dori Stewart. The Gresham-Barlow Education Foundation is kicking off its 14th annual Phone-a-Thon to support literacy. Funds raised through the Phone-a-Thon have been used to support literacy in the District in a variety of ways including classroom reading support and District-wide reading curriculum. The addition of an eLibrary allows students another avenue to become strong readers and successful students.

In an effort to help them reach their goal, Gresham Ford has donated a $20 coupon that can be used toward any repair or maintenance service for all Phone-a-Thon donations of $40 or more. Anyone wishing to support the expansion of the eLibrary, can donate online at gbefkids.org, or contact Vicki Moen, Executive Director GBEF at 503-766-0008.
It takes a village….let’s work together and answer those calls to further of our children’s education.