Friday, June 12, 2015

Gresham Ford has Gone Fishing

Gresham Ford Sponsors Fishing Information Tour
This past weekend was National Fishing & Boating Week and we are fortunate to have Ed Chin, a local Gresham resident and professional fishing sportsman, to heighten our awareness.  Being a representative of the FLW (Fishing League Worldwide) and TBO (The Bass Federation of Oregon) Ed is   just returning from a national tour where he won awards and recognition for his expertise and 
knowledge in the world of fishing, (Bass fishing to be more precise).  Partnering with Walmart, he visited regional Walmart stores in Hood River, Wood Village and St. Helen, Oregon.  At each of these locations he displayed a truck and the boat he was pulling, visited with customers about fishing tackle and answered questions on where to fish.  Traveling over 250 miles over the week end, the truck and boat combo were a huge hit with the store’s employees and customers generating lots of questions concerning the boat, truck and fishing.

We were happy to supply Ed with a 2015 F-150 on this journey and we feel privileged to be a part of this glimpse into the world of fishing.  If you’d like to know more or ask some serious questions of Ed yourself, please visit or Ed Chin's Facebook page

Here’s a quote found on the TBF website; 
"With every trip I collect new mementoes, though few are collected in scrapbooks. And all who fish for bass across the land collect them too. They are the images from first light to last and from first fish to last. And we'd share them in a minute. Some recall particular triumphs, often preserved in snapshots and clippings, while others we tend to hide, at least until we're ready to laugh about them. Daybreak, canebreaks, heartbreaks, muggy nights and foggy mornings.  A hundred things that worked, and a thousand more that should have. That's bass fishing."-George Krame

Friday, June 5, 2015

Gresham Ford is looking for artists

We’re looking for the best “Ford” art in East County!  Do you have an eye for photography and a passion for Ford products?  Are you a painter with a fondness for that old Ford parked in the driveway?  Get your camera and your paint brushes, or your quilt patches or sculpting tools out and create a work of art and enter to win!  It can be anything you desire to create centered around the Ford Oval logo.

There will be three prize winners with 1st place receiving a whopping $500 towards your next set of Tires from Gresham Ford-Quick Lane.  2nd place, a Spa Day for your car ($185 value).  And 3rd place, a Works Package ($39.95 value)

To enter; please visit and click on the banner ad, “Art Contest” and fill out the entry form.  Bring your art accompanied by the form to Gresham Ford.  Ask for Amy Tipsord or call 503-407-6764.

On another note, Northwest Ford Dealers Advertising Association is again launching their annual Peanut Butter Drive. The summer months are the hardest on low income families as their children are home and having good nutritious food on a consistent basis is difficult.  With the help from the local food banks, many families are assisted through the summer to keep their kids happy and healthy.  

Drop a jar by Gresham Ford or bring it to our booth at the Gresham Arts Festival, July 18th.  All peanut butter collected at Gresham Ford will benefit our local food bank, SnowCap Community Charities.  Every little bit helps!

Gresham Arts Festival July 18th 2015