Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cell Phones for Soldiers Collection Point at Gresham Ford

Since its inception in 2004, Cell Phones for Soldiers has worked to provide free communication services to active-duty military members and veterans.  The charity’s longstanding calling card program, “Minutes that Matter” has provided servicemen and women with an estimated 3 million prepaid calling cards, equating to more than 213 million minutes of FREE talk time.

Cell Phones for Soldiers was found by Robbie and Brittany Bergquist of Norwell, MA at the ages of 12 and 13.  The organization has prevented more than 11.6 million cell phones from ending up in landfills.  How it works, they collect pre-owned cell phones, recycle them for cash (approximately $5 per phone) and then they purchase calling cards for our military personal that are thousands of miles from their loved ones.  It started when these two kids heard of a soldier getting hit with an $8,000 phone bill.  With the help of their community, car washes and the like, they raised the money to help him pay his bill.

And then they devised this plan so that our armed forces in far away places could keep connected to
those back home.We, here at Gresham Ford, are so very proud of these two kids that have made such a difference in the lives of those that sacrifice their day-to-day contact with their own families to serve in the U.S. armed forces.

If you’d like to help, please visit or if you have a cell phone you’d like to donate, just drop it by Gresham Ford and we’ll ship it for you.  The gift of just a few minutes can bring hope to both those that serve and those left at home.  These minutes do matter…

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